Hi! Thank so much for checking out my blog and wanting to know  a little bit more about me.  I have been wanting to start some sort of personal blog for a long time but always came up with some reason not to.   I am a professional wedding and portrait photographer.  You can check out my work here if you like.   I met my husband in college and we moved to Florida together the day after we graduated.  I played soccer growing up but never was great.  I tried to continue it in college but could not balance that with the hours spent in the darkroom and my social life.  My junior year I started to take yoga classes at my college and was so surprised how much I liked it.  I started to take class a 1-3 times a week and have a daily practice on my own.  When I started a desk job after graduation I was constantly restless so I started jogging before work. I had always hated running but I wanted something cheap.  When a groupon came up for an unlimited month of bikram yoga my husband quickly bought it for me and I was hooked.  This happened again with my for crossfit.  I am the reason companies do groupons. Thank you for stopping by!  Now for some pictures.

Vin and I first summer together (2007)

Vin and I on our wedding day (2011)

 First 5k (2010)

Second 5k (2011)