50 Dubs

50 Push Jerks 65/95 40lbs

40 Dubs

40 Push Press

30 Dubs


20 Dubs

20 Cleans

10 Dubs

10 Hang Power Cleans

time 21:44
I wanted to do 35lbs because that is what the people in the class before me did but I was pressured into adding 5lbs.  the problem is i can do all these lifts with 55lbs well probably 85lbs, once.  its an interesting place to be.  i am more confident in my lifts then ever and i am stronger but my endurance has not changed a ton.  i am still unsure if i have dubs.  i need to do some slo-mo recording to look closer.  they do not sound like them, is it sad that i think if i get a smaller rope i will for sure have them?  i just do not think i am flicking my wrists fast enough.  either way they wind me like, woah and make me cranky. the push jerks felt never ending and same goes for the push press.  sdlhp are just dumb, not a fan. cleans! why. first couple are always a challenge.  trying to link some.  need to work on my feet re positioning.  hang power cleans was like the cherry at the end, unbroken.  

first, my box has an “athlete in training” program which is basically an advanced program but they do not have super set class times.  so people come when they can.  second, our box had a team go to the games which was awesome.  one of the games athletes was working out and decided in addition to doing there work to also do the above weight, rx.  she did it in 10 min flat! while you could see on her face she struggles she recovered in about 20 seconds.  Its one thing to see someone like that compete against a ton of amazing athletes at the games, regionals or local comps but to see them do the workout you just did with 25 more pounds and cut your time in half plus some shows just have athletic they are.  i have no interest in competing, at all, so i am not sure my point but i thought it was cool to see the difference in some of that caliber. plus i got to brag that we had a team go to the games.