on monday morning i got up and had no want to run.  i bargained with myself  and decided 3 miles at a reasonable speed would do.  i am not really training for anything because i am working with my fiance to build up his running abilities so it sometimes is tough for me to decide what to run.  i came, i ran, i would not say i conquered. here are my times

mile 1: 13:30
mile 2: 14:50
mile 3: 12.25

not bad. vin and i are currently doing the 3rd week of couch to 5k and he is doing really good.  this week it is run 90 second walk 90 second run 3 min walk 3 min twice.  i keep trying to push him to run more but we are running around 8:30-9:30 which is pretty fast for me even for a short time so i just need to remind myself he is just starting out.  i think he might even be starting to understand why i like to run so much, but lets not jump the gun.

before the 3 milers i had some unphotographed oatmeal, with raisins, flax seed and peanut butter.  when i got back i did some rearranging of the book shelves and dusting.  after that i was hungry for lunch.  i usually try to have a big spinach salad but we are out of spinach so i thought i would try to make a smoothie.    in the mix

2 hand fulls of kale

1 frozen bananna

1 frozen mango

1/2 cup of reduced fat milk

1/2 2% Fage yogurt

3 frozen strawberries

2 handful of ice

we currently only have a chocolate protein powder that i think is a little strong so i also made 4 hard-bowled eggs on the side with a slice of chedder cheese.  I did not think i would eat all the eggs but i did, just the whites i have never really liked the taste of the yellows.  one summer i had a major love affair with jamba juice and they were always super yummy but they never filled me.  while i had one and half glasses of this I did not feel full so i grabbed a couple sun chips which was a total mistake.  I was so full plus I do not drink milk so my stomach was really being pushed.  next time no sunchips and maybe one less egg.

because i was so full i did not have an afternoon snack which led me to be really hungry by the time i met up with my two girl friends for dinner and decided that wings and a side salad was a smart choice.  i do have to say that was not what put me over it was the brownie encased in a cookie with ice cream that we all shared that made all of us feel like we were bursting at the seems but we were celebrating so why not! what were you celebrating you ask? my birthday of course! so that is more or less how i spent my 24th birthday.